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Enable DPA to maintain different time zones per database instance

Some users would like database instances to report against their native time zone rather than the time zone of the DPA server.

  • Critical to usability of DPA.  Having SEVEN time zones from China to Western US, it's a nightmare having to keep translating what I'm seeing over any of 25 "I don't recall the timezone" instances just to answer "WHEN did that actually happen?". 

    This timezone change needs, of course, to be reflected in scheduled reports, where the timeframe, although scheduled to be prepared at the same time for all instances, needs to reflect what happened on each target instance up to the equivalent LOCAL time.  Thus, if the schedule is for reporting at 8:00 a.m. M-F, and the date-time range is "last 4 days - 12:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.", we should expect that to include, for EST instances, data from midnight 3 days ago to 11:00 a.m. local time, not 8:00 a.m., if the DPA Server is on Pacific Time.  This means that the report parameters MUST be expressible in DPA SERVER TIME, or we have to play "is there Daylight Savings Time (or its international equivalent) and what's the local time when "my" time changes but theirs doesn't...?" for each report.  Nightmare #2 if report parameters are in Instance Time!  They will be only occasionally correctly sync'd...   If folk WANT to set parameters in local time terms, PLEASE, give us the option to "go Global".

    Although there may not be as many DBAs with multi-timezone issues, for those who have them, this usability improvement is high up on the list of felt-needs.

    Please make our lives easier by this indispensable improvement.  Thanks!