Where can I find documentation on how the repo tables are populated.  Specifically I am looking to understand consw and conss.  Tks.

  • This is what i have with me. Hope this helps

    Please find below table details/information.

    CONSW : It is the master table for referring sqlhash and planhashes and other stats. It stores only 30 days of data
    CONSPT : it stores the plan details of queries for SQL Server
    CONSS : stores the statistics of queries
    CONST stores sql text of all the normalized queries
    CONST-EXAMPLE : Stores one example each of the normalized queries

  • This is what i have with me. Hope this helps

    Please find below table details/information.

    CONSW : It is the master table for referring sqlhash and planhashes and other stats. It stores only 30 days of data
    CONSPT : it stores the plan details of queries for SQL Server
    CONSS : stores the statistics of queries
    CONST stores sql text of all the normalized queries
    CONST-EXAMPLE : Stores one example each of the normalized queries

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