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Can we configure to send alert emails every 4 hours until the alert is acknowledged ?

Can we configure to send alert emails every 4 hours until the alert is acknowledged ?

  • EDIT: this is for SolarWinds/Orion -plattform, not DPA. My misstake

    On every alert action you have a part called "Execution settings". There you can configure the action to repeat every x minutes or hours. Check both boxes to have the repetition stop when the alert is acknowledged:

  • I'm pretty sure your print screen is from the Solarwinds Orion platform and not the from Solarwinds Database Performance Analyzer (DPA). If it is from DPA I'm wondering where I can find this.

    Can we configure to send alert emails every 4 hours until the alert is acknowledged ?

    From my knowledge it is not possible to configure an alert in DPA that has a small execution intervall but only sends alert every 4 hours.

    In theory you could set the execution intervall to 4 hours. But I guess this is not what you want.

    Another idea is the use of a procedure in a custom alert and build up your own logic.

    Create a DPA Custom alert (

    The procedure could also perform an insert into a custom table. The table contains information such as the last time when the alert was triggered, the status, etc.. Based on this the out parameter of the alert can be different. Depending from the output parameter and the alert level notification an alert will be sent or not.

    Just and idea ;)



  • Haha, you are perfectly correct Fabian.S, I didn't look at what forum this was in.

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