We are migrating away from Dameware and I'm looking for a process that would help me uninstall the program either remotely or via GPO when a user logs in. Is there anything out there like this?
We are migrating away from Dameware and I'm looking for a process that would help me uninstall the program either remotely or via GPO when a user logs in. Is there anything out there like this?
You can either extract it from the MSI directly, or search the registry in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstaller.
Detailed instructions for both of these methodologies are available from several sources via a web search.
If you have Patch Manager, you can also use the Computer Explorer -> Installed Software tool to just query for it.
You can either extract it from the MSI directly, or search the registry in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstaller.
Detailed instructions for both of these methodologies are available from several sources via a web search.
If you have Patch Manager, you can also use the Computer Explorer -> Installed Software tool to just query for it.
Here's a simple script to kill your installed product without using the SGUID, instead used the actual MSI file that was used to install the software.
The %MYDIR% tells the msiexec to use the current SOURCE LOCATION where the MSI file is located.
Start /wait is really not needed but if your script is used to uninstall and install a new version of software this is where you would tell the script remove the first installed program and wait until your done then start to install the new software
@echo off
start /wait msiexec /x "%mydir%DRS10x.msi" /qb
:: start to install the new version of the software when you done removing the old copy.
start /wait msiexec /x "%mydir%THE_NEW_VERSION.msi" /qb APPDIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\SolarWinds\DameWare Remote Support\" reboot=reallysuppress SILENT=yes SA_KEY=XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX SA_EMAIL=YOU-EMAIL@BLABLA.COM
:end script.
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