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Feature Requests for the ARM Template Generator V3?

I'd like to collect all feature requests for the ARM template generator in this thread. Currently I would only change the following things:

1.) After reloading a template, the template ID should be the same when saving.

2.) Save only properties with value, because when I use the templates during automation I need to remove all useless fields.

3.) Manager selection field works differently between Rich and WebClient, because this is a BUG since 3 years which I guess will never be solved.

Looking forward to feedback

  • Another one! This one is a stretch but is it possible to create a random number generator based on a range of numbers, and how many digits you want randomized?

    For example:

    Range: 0-150, get a two digit length number from the random generator (it would come out with something like "37"), or get a 3 digit length number from the random generator (and the output would be something like "147")
    Range: 1-1500, pick 3 a digit number from random (again, an output would look like "345"), or pick a 4 digit number from the generator (output being 1278)

  • Another one! This one is a stretch but is it possible to create a random number generator based on a range of numbers, and how many digits you want randomized?

    For example:

    Range: 0-150, get a two digit length number from the random generator (it would come out with something like "37"), or get a 3 digit length number from the random generator (and the output would be something like "147")
    Range: 1-1500, pick 3 a digit number from random (again, an output would look like "345"), or pick a 4 digit number from the generator (output being 1278)

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