ARM 2024.3.0.298 was released on 17 July 2024.
ARM 2024.3.1.28 was released on 12 September 2024
ARM 2024.3.2.25 was released on 10 December 2024
This release addresses Secure gRPC certificate based authentication as well as bug fixes and CVE security updates.
ARM 2024.3 release notes
ARM 2024.3.1.28 Release Notes
ARM 2024.3.2.35 Release Notes
ARM 2025.1.0.82 Release Notes
Note 1: You must be on ARM 2023.2.4 to upgrade to ARM 2025.1. If you are on a version earlier than ARM 2023.2.4, first upgrade to 2023.2.4 and then upgrade to 2025.1.
(RESOLVED IN 2024.3.1.2) Note 2: The Collector Security notification "One or more collector certificates are not verified." in Server Health Status is no longer relevant due to the changes in this release. This notification will be removed in an upcoming SR for ARM. Unfortunately, there is no way to disable the daily alert emails if you have these configured.
(RESOLVED IN 2024.3.1.2) Note 3: The Web Console cannot provide the INITCODE noted in the articles below (settings > Connection security is not visible), so you must manage ARM directly from the ARM server, or via the Web Console until this is resolved.
Update: a fix is available for this, contact support for assistance. You can also follow the instructions at the bottom of the How to Register ARM Clients link below by manually copying the required certificate to the remote computer user profile.
(Resolved in 2024.3.2.35) Note 4: if you see that collectors are not connected after an ARM server restart (they will usually show a "failed to determine..." status), or restart of the ARM service on the server (a known bug), you can right-click and choose 'restart service' for each of your offline collectors and they should reconnect. You may have to repeat the process repeatedly, but they will normally connect after several attempts. This is easier than going to each Collector server and restarting the ARM service manually. Also, be sure to use the FQDN for each collector. You can easily rename existing collectors by right-clicking and selecting Rename Collector, then clicking Apply as ARM will automatically fill in the FQDN.
(Exchange Scan Resolved in 2024.3.2.35, Scripting still an issue) Note 5: Exchange scan "Abnormal Termination" and SCRIPTS not working: The temporary resolution is to log into your ARM server as the ARM service account and leave it connected/logged in. Ensure your ARM service account is listed as an ARM Administrator in User Roles. To specify, the ARM service account is the account shown in Basic Configuration in the ARM Configuration application. If you use a different account to process scans or changes, you may need to log in to that account; it will be listed in the configuration area or sometimes on the same screen as the errors you are seeing. This issue may also affect other O365 application scans, so the temporary solution is the same.
Several new features may cause issues, which we are addressing with the following support articles:
How to register the ARM clients. This describes how to get the Init code now required to connect with ARM clients on remote computers. We have added a method to distribute the certificates to multiple remote computers at the bottom of the article; the init code is not needed for this method.
How to register a manually installed collector in ARM. Using this guide with a 'repair' installation is another means of troubleshooting the collectors not connecting.
Be sure to use the FQDN for each collector. You can easily rename existing collectors by right-clicking and selecting Rename Collector, then just click Apply as ARM will automatically fill in the FQDN.
ARM collectors do not connect after the update to ARM 2024.3
Please note that these articles are a work in progress, and may change or be removed as the issues are addressed/resolved.
An ARM software service release is planned to help resolve many issues.
If you need assistance, please do not hesitate to open a SolarWinds support case.
(updated 16 Jan 2025 for ARM 2025.1 release)