Open for Voting

Paste screenshot or image into ticket

We would like users to be able to paste screenshots into a ticket.

We want things to be as simple as possible for users and this would save them a couple steps when attaching screenshots.

  • A very nice idea which is very user friendly as well

    Users find it effective and time saving to take a screenshot and paste directly then to save screenshot and upload it. Also pasting image directly into ticket when logging a Ticket or updating it makes it easy for everyone to refer while going through the update of ticket instead of clicking each attachment to view

    A main Time saving factor for Web Helpdesk customer relations

  • A very nice idea which is very user friendly as well

    Users find it effective and time saving to take a screenshot and paste directly then to save screenshot and upload it. Also pasting image directly into ticket when logging a Ticket or updating it makes it easy for everyone to refer while going through the update of ticket instead of clicking each attachment to view

    A main Time saving factor for Web Helpdesk customer relations

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