Open for Voting

Agent Polling for UDT

At this time, Agent Polling is not yet supported in UDT.  It is pretty obvious with the Article Below.

I would like to request to have Agent Polling Included as one of the Polling Method for the UDT due to some restrictions on my Environment

  • Log Analyzer polls DCs with the agent, so it should easily be doable for UDT as well. It would definitely make it easier to deal with corporate politics around getting service accounts with domain controller access. It would also be great if the logs polled could be used for multiple modules instead of each module polling the same logs individually and hording the results for themselves.

  • Log Analyzer polls DCs with the agent, so it should easily be doable for UDT as well. It would definitely make it easier to deal with corporate politics around getting service accounts with domain controller access. It would also be great if the logs polled could be used for multiple modules instead of each module polling the same logs individually and hording the results for themselves.

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