
True Parent/Children Relationship and easier UI to manage

Make it easier to create and manage Parent/Child relationships.  Use an easier UI such as a file directory hierarchy along with drag & drop, to display and manage the relationships. Setup "one-click" rules to manage alerts for children of a parent.  If Parent x goes down, one check in a box will silence all alerts on the children. The groups function right now is OK, but it doesn't allow for true relationships, multiple levels down.

  • I'd even by somewhat satisfied if I better understood how NPM determines the auto-dependency's parent-child relationship. 

    Most of the time the Auto-generated dependencies are good.  Sometimes they're silly.

    For example, a UPS is dependent on the switch it's plugged into. and the switch is dependent on the router that gets it across the WAN to NPM.  But sometimes NPM says the UPS is the Parent, and the switch & router are the dependents.

    There's actually a sort of human-thinking logic to that:  The switch and the router get their power from the UPS, therefore from a power-perspective, the UPS is the parent.  But I don't think NPM is any kind of a wry-humor-based AI who would tell me "This is how your dependencies REALLY look!"

    Where can we find an explanation for how NPM generates auto dependencies, parents, and child groups?

  • even m looking for same explanation.

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