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Modern Dashboard: Centralized Management/Variables

I started to play around with Modern Dashboards for my teams, and find them to be a great tool.  I find myself re-using the same widgets across multiple views with normally a slight modification to a query (normally a where statement to a custom property value).  The problem comes in when I need to update the query, I'm having to navigate to X amount of pages to update that query.  I really need a solid way to be able to manage the dashboards so when I need to make the change I only have to make it in one location.

The first thought would be to add a customize page that is in place for the classic dashboards.  Where I can then setup a view limitation for the overall view.  This way I wouldn't need to edit the widget on each page but simply edit an originally linked widget.

The other route I could see going would be to have a similar customize page and be able to set custom variables or properties at the page level which would then be interrupted by the widgets themselves.  The variable could be used anywhere in the widget, so it could update the where clause in the query or even update a widget link url.