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Build a web based SWIS API Explorer

Lately several of the tools I've been integrating with have this kind of option and Orion should have it too.  This is not just like in the wiki where we can review documentation of how to use the commands and such, its more of a GUI drive menu where you pick the command you want, it has a drop down of possible values based on what is live in your system and explanation for the arguments and once you have walked through all the things you need it can spit you out an example of exactly how that GET or POST would look for the specific options you picked from the drop downs.

I'm aware of the /swis.aspx page but thats a bit of a joke since you can't even copy data from it, and it's not terribly user friendly to begin with.  You can kind of accomplish what I'm going for by playing with the verbs in SWQL Studio, but you have to guess at some of the syntax, and you can learn some clarification on the syntax and such from the Swagger or Wiki pages. I know that these tools exist outside of Orion, but the fact of the matter is that when I was first starting my experiments with the API it slowed me down a lot before I found the Wiki and installed the SDK.  Compared to when I was integrating SNOW for a client I was able to figure out what I needed to build into my scripts in an afternoon with no pre-existing familiarity with their platform.  For the last several years I've posted the links to anyone who had any questions whatsoever but instead of relying on tribal knowledge there doesn't seem like any reason that Orion couldn't just get you directly where you need to be.

In a fantasy land I would also hope that by bringing the API stuff to be more natively visible it would also maybe encourage SW to treat the API as less of an officially unsupported step child and get on board with the fact that in 2020 REST and JSON are basically the language of enterprise IT.

See examples:!/training/article/app_store_learnv2_rest_newyork_inbound_rest_integrations/app_…

Introduction to New Relic's REST API Explorer | New Relic Documentation

API Explorer | Microsoft Docs

Dropbox API Explorer

API Explorer

DocuSign Developer Center: API Explorer

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