swis query not returning results

I am setting up a SAM monitor using python and testing the swql query i want to run does not return any results even though when i run the query in swql studio it does.

I also tested another query and it does return result

Anybody able to assist ?


Query that works:

def EngineIDquery():

results = swis.query("SELECT EngineID FROM Orion.Engines WHERE ServerName=@Sysname", Sysname=system)

and this is the print output

{'results': [{'EngineID': 10}]}

Output from swql studio

Query that returns blank

def cfgchange():
change = """SELECT Nodes.Displayname FROM Orion.Nodes as Nodes
JOIN NCM.Nodes as n on Nodes.NodeID = n.CoreNodeID
JOIN NCM.ConfigArchive as c on n.NodeID = c.NodeID
WHERE Nodes.Vendor LIKE '%uroam%'
AND c.ConfigType = 'Running'
result = swis.query(change)
table = (result['results'])

print outputs are 

{'results': []}


Output from swql studio ( i subsituted sensitive data for modified time column)

  • Not familiar with "DATETRUNC" in SWIS.  I personally use ADDDATE without issue.

    ex: ADDDATE('Minute', -30, GETUTCDATE())

  • Thanks for the reply

    But even using that format

    AND ModifiedTime >=ADDDATE('HOUR',-72,GETUTCDATE())

    I get the same outcome, the query returns results when running it in swql studio but when running from python script results are blank

  • # requests is needed for the underlying web calls
    import requests
    # getpass is required for password input without displays
    import getpass
    # orion sdk is required for the client connectivity
    from orionsdk import SwisClient
    # main() is our main function to do the thing
    def main():
        # these are the variables where we store your connection information
        hostName  = 'orion.demo.lab' # Put your server ip/hostname here
        change = '''
        SELECT Nodes.Displayname FROM Orion.Nodes as Nodes
        JOIN NCM.Nodes as n on Nodes.NodeID = n.CoreNodeID
        JOIN NCM.ConfigArchive as c on n.NodeID = c.NodeID
        -- I don't have any matching elements here, so I elected to just remove the filter
        --WHERE Nodes.Vendor LIKE '%uroam%'
        AND c.ConfigType = 'Running'
        AND ModifiedTime >= DATETRUNC('HOUR',ADDHOUR(-72,GETUTCDATE()))
        # Build a connection to the server
        print("Enter the username and password for '" + hostName + "'")
        username = input("Username: ")
        password = getpass.getpass(prompt='Password: ')
        swis = SwisClient(hostName, username, password)
        # let's run the query and store the results in a variable
        response = swis.query(change)
        # there are multiple responses, so we'll need to go through each entry
        for result in response['results']:
            # output the caption and uri
    if __name__ == '__main__':

    The above is returning the following for my environment (SolarWinds Platform 2023.1)

    Enter the username and password for 'orion.demo.lab'
    Username: admin

    Are you sure you are extracting the contents from the returned results properly?

  • Thanks for your input

    I used your format and i get the same result

    ======= RESTART: C:/Users/xxxx/Desktop/Python tests/Test-main-query.py ======

    original python script

    ##omitted connection to server##

    So both queries run but i only see results from engineid, i dont see any results to extract from cfgchange

    ========= RESTART: C:\Users\xxxx\Desktop\Python tests\Test-query.py =========
    {'results': [{'EngineID': 10}]}
    {'results': []}

    If i hash out engineid() so only cfgchange runs its the same thing no results, yet running that exact query in swql studio returns the results i am after

  • We are running  2020.2.6

    Testing the query in python and it seems it is the NCM. bit that is breaking it

    if i  only use Orion.Nodes it returns results

    """SELECT TOP 10 Nodes.Displayname FROM Orion.Nodes as Nodes"""

    But using only any of the ncm tables it returns nothing

    """SELECT TOP 10 CoreNodeID FROM NCM.Nodes"""


    """SELECT TOP 10 NodeID  FROM NCM.ConfigArchive"""

    but it works for you so maybe code version ??

  • I mean... 2020.2.6 is about three years old.  I'm not sure what would have changed in regard to the API, but that doesn't mean nothing has changed.  You might want to try and re-work your query using the Cirrus entities.  They are basically "aliases" for the NCM entities but using an older naming convention.  To be fair, they might return the same thing, but it's worth a test.

    In my environment these two queries return the same results (in SWQL Studio):

    -- Original Query from Above
    -- BEGIN
    SELECT Nodes.Displayname
    FROM Orion.Nodes AS Nodes
    JOIN NCM.Nodes AS n
          ON Nodes.NodeID = n.CoreNodeID
    JOIN NCM.ConfigArchive AS c
          ON n.NodeID = c.NodeID
                -- I don't have any matching elements here, so I elected to just remove the filter
                --WHERE Nodes.Vendor LIKE '%uroam%'
                AND c.ConfigType = 'Running'
                AND ModifiedTime >= DATETRUNC('HOUR', ADDHOUR(- 72, GETUTCDATE()))
    -- END
    -- Modified to use the 'Cirrus' namespace/entities
    -- BEGIN
    SELECT [Nodes].DisplayName
    FROM Orion.Nodes AS [Nodes]
    JOIN Cirrus.Nodes AS [CN]
          ON [Nodes].NodeID = [CN].CoreNodeID
    JOIN Cirrus.ConfigArchive AS [CA]
          ON [CN].NodeID = [CA].NodeID
                -- I don't have any matching elements here, so I elected to just remove the filter
                --WHERE Nodes.Vendor LIKE '%uroam%'
                AND [CA].ConfigType = 'Running'
                AND [CA].ModifiedTime >= DATETRUNC('HOUR', ADDHOUR(- 72, GETUTCDATE()))
    -- END

    What exactly are you trying to return in this query?  Include any filters you might think about using because that can only help things.

  • Hi KMSigma

    Used the Cirrus entries and get the same result, running the query in SWQL returns the results I am after but running the query from python script on the Poller returns blank.

    I am trying to get the devices that config has changed on so i can run the rest of the script to export the config backup file to a server, at the moment i am exporting it every night but not really efficient this way.

    I am working on another way to pull this info from the device directly but the swql query would be the easier option.


  • Python needs to point to the Primary Polling Engine because of the way that the authentication takes place.  If you point it to your Main Polling Engine, does it return results?

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