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How to modify a custom property for multiple nodes with Powershell


I have been working on several  powershell scripts...  Here is what i have.

#Author: John Johnson
#Last Modified: 3/8/22
#Summary: Set Node Custom Properties in SolarWinds

# Be sure to install the SwisPowershell module on Powershell 5 or lower prior to use
# Install-Module SwisPowershell

#Designate Hostname

$server = 'host'

$creds = Get-Credential

$swis = Connect-Swis -HostName $server -Credential $creds

#$nodes = Get-SwisData $swis 'SELECT NodeID, Caption, DNS, IPAddress, Uri FROM Orion.Nodes'

## Export data from SWQL and arrange it in Excel first
## CSV Import Approach
$updates = Import-Csv C:\Users\list.csv

foreach ($update in $updates)
        Write-Host "Updating"$($update.IPAddress)"@"$($update.Uri)
        $properties = ''
        $properties = $ | where-object {($_.Name -ne "Uri") -and ($_.Name -ne "NodeID") -and ($_.Name -ne "IPAddress")}

        $record = @{}
        foreach ($property in $properties)
                if (($($property.Value) -ne $null) -and ($($property.Value) -ne ''))
                        $record += @{$($property.Name)=$($property.Value)}

        Set-SwisObject $swis -Uri $($update.Uri) -properties $record

i have a custom property 'NodesCustomProperties.ServiceNow_Owner_1'

how would i be able to use a serverlist.csv, to modify all servers in the list...and modify the custom property above?

  • , So below is a script that I have that can do a bulk import of External Nodes and then modifies a Custom Property during that time. It should have the requirements you need to get it to work with some modification. Some key difference between yours and mine is that it looks like you take and build out a URI, mine queries SWQL directly for the URI, which i find helps reduce errors i've seen when trying to rebuild the URI within the script. But in essence much of it is the same, at a high level you'd just need a second set of property definitions for the CP, and then a second Set-SwisObject to modify the CP's for that node.

     # Pre-Reqs:
    # 1. Ensure that the SolarWinds SDK, and powershell modules are installed on machine running the script
    # 2. CSV that contains IP in the first column, Desired Caption in the Second Column, and a CommunityString in the third column (will default to public if none identified), and desired Custom Properties in the remaining columns (IF ADDING CUSTOM PROPERTIES ENSURE THAT YOU UPDATE LINE 39 AND 82 WITH THE APPROPRIATE REFERENCES!!) No Column Headers.
    import-Module SwisPowerShell
    # Connect to SWIS
    $hostname = 'localhost'
    $swis = Connect-Swis -host $hostname -Certificate
    #Import New Nodes
    if ($names -eq $true) {
    $names = $null
    #$names = import-csv \\server\file.txt
    $filename = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter CSV Location (\\server\file or C:\dir\file)"
    if (Test-Path $filename) {
    Write-Output "File exists"
    $ExternalNodes= import-csv $filename -Header 'IP','Caption','CommunityString','Test1'
    $count = $ExternalNodes.length
    else {
    Write-Output "Bad file, exiting....."
    Write-Output $ExternalNodes
    $wait = $false
    while ($wait -eq $false) {
    $check = Read-Host "About to add $($count) External Nodes to Orion Instance: $($hostname) Proceed? (y/n)"
    if ($check -eq 'y') {
    $wait = $true
    else { if ($check -ne 'n') {
    $wait = $false
    else {
    Write-host "Process Aborted.  Exiting....."
    exit 0
    foreach($ExternalNode in $ExternalNodes){
    # Set Properties for New External Node
       $newNodeProps = @{
        IPAddress = $($ExternalNode.IP)
        EngineID = 1
        ObjectSubType = "ICMP"
        External = "true"
         Community = "$($ExternalNode.CommunityString)"
        DNS = "$($ExternalNode.Caption)"
        SysName = "$($ExternalNode.Caption)"
        Caption = "$($ExternalNode.Caption)"
    Write-Output "Adding node $($ExternalNode.Caption)"
    New-SwisObject $swis -EntityType "Orion.Nodes" -Properties $newNodeProps
    sleep -m 200
    #Add Custom Properties
    $CustomPropsUpdate = @{ Test1="$($ExternalNode.Test1)"}
    #Build URI
    $uri = Get-swisdata $swis -query "SELECT n.CustomProperties.Uri FROM Orion.Nodes n where IP = '$($ExternalNode.IP)'"
    Write-Output "Setting Custom Properties for $($ExternalNode.Caption)"
    Write-Output "URI for update is $uri"
    set-swisobject $swis -Uri $uri -Properties $CustomPropsUpdate
    sleep -m 200 
    Write-Output "Script Complete.  Exiting..."

  • That's pretty intense  LOL

    The nodes I will be modifying are already in SolarWinds...

    I simply want to update the custom properties...

    If these custom properties have data or are null, i want to be able to update them in powershell..

    I appreciate your help, and have been working on this since March.. LOL   

  • Here's a basic example of how to modify custom properties of nodes already in SolarWinds from within PowerShell.

    Now if you already are exporting the data into CSV / Excel and making updates there you could just re-import within the GUI too if it's a one-off.

    Import-Module -Name SwisPowerShell
    $hostname = 'myOrionServer'
    $creds = Get-Credential
    $swis = Connect-Swis -Hostname $hostname -Credential $creds
    $query = @"
    	FROM Orion.Nodes AS n
    $selection = Get-SwisData -SwisConnection $swis -Query $query
    ForEach ($node in $selection) {
    	$cpUri = $node.Uri + "/CustomProperties"
    	Write-Output("Working on " + $node.Caption)
    	If ($node.ServiceNow_Owner_1 -ne "myExpected Value" -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($node.ServiceNow_Owner_1)) {
    		Set-SwisObject -SwisConnection $swis -Uri $cpUri -Properties @{
    			ServiceNow_Owner_1 = "myUpdatedValue"
    		Write-Output("`tValue for ServiceNow_Owner_1 updated...")
    	} Else {
    		Write-Output("`tNo updates necessary...")

    Here's a take on using Read-Host to pull in some input from the console and using it in a query...

    Import-Module -Name SwisPowerShell
    $hostname = 'myOrionServer'
    $creds = Get-Credential
    $swis = Connect-Swis -Hostname $hostname -Credential $creds
    $prompt1 = "Enter the Node Name (Caption) of the node to edit properties on: "
    $CaptionFilter = Read-Host -Prompt $prompt1
    $prompt2 = "Which property would you like to edit on '" + $CaptionFilter + "'?"
    $customPropertyName = Read-Host -Prompt $prompt2
    $query = @"
    	FROM Orion.Nodes AS n
    	WHERE n.Caption = '$CaptionFilter'
    $node = Get-SwisData -SwisConnection $swis -Query $query
    $cpUri = $node.Uri + "/CustomProperties"
    $prompt3 = "What would you like to change the property '" + $customPropertyName + "' to?"
    $customPropertyValue = Read-Host -Prompt $prompt3
    Set-SwisObject -SwisConnection $swis -Uri $cpUri -Properties @{
    	$customPropertyName = $customPropertyValue

    Warning: that's untested but should give you the idea. Slight smile

  • , you trying to update them via a CSV through powershell?

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