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MACRO SQL ERROR - Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AS'.

Trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong, or to change SQL coding to a join statement 

Trying to get all the member of group components only that are in an alert state (non-up, not un-managemented. etc) to be listed in and email to the support team. 

here my code but keep getting subject message., can some help me here.  

${SQL: SELECT StatusName FROM SolarWindsOrion.dbo.StatusInfo WHERE statusid !=1 + '.' + char(10) AS [data()] FROM SolarWindsOrion.dbo.ContainerMemberSnapshots WHERE status != 0 AND status != 1 AND status != 9 AND status != 27 AND ContainerID = ${N=SwisEntity;M=ContainerID} FOR XML PATH('')}

  • Hi, like what you trying to create but the query need some changes.

    Below query should give you what you want:

    M.FullName + ' (' + S.StatusName + ')' +', '
    FROM ContainerMemberSnapshots AS M
    INNER JOIN StatusInfo AS S on M.[Status]=S.StatusId
    WHERE status != 0 AND status != 1 AND status != 9 AND status != 27 AND ContainerID = 1
    FOR XML PATH('')

    If above give you what you want below code is the "variable" to add in the alert email. 

    ${SQL: SELECT M.FullName + ' (' + S.StatusName + ')' +', ' FROM ContainerMemberSnapshots AS M INNER JOIN StatusInfo AS S on M.[Status]=S.StatusId WHERE status != 0 AND status != 1 AND status != 9 AND status != 27 AND ContainerID = ${N=SwisEntity;M=ContainerID} FOR XML PATH('')}
  • I've added a Column name to the Select line and the end called 'COLN'  and the query works when I remove the statement of 'FOR XML PATH('')'. But the only returns only 1 component back.  When I add the "FOR XML PATH('')" statement I get the  MACRO SQL ERROR - No column name was specified for column 1 of '0tlouona_hdf'.  Error.  

    Also in MSSMS the result look like this : 

    So when in run this within SolarWinds it seems like it don't know what to do with the top line of the return, here my query 

    SELECT (upper(M.FullName) + ' (' + [data()].StatusName + ')' + ', ') AS 'BR'
    FROM SolarWindsOrion.dbo.ContainerMemberSnapshots AS M
    INNER JOIN SolarWindsOrion.dbo.StatusInfo AS [data()] on M.[Status] = [data()].StatusId
    WHERE status != 0 AND status != 1 AND status != 9 AND status != 27 AND ContainerID = 1
    FOR XML PATH('')

  • , just a shot in the dark but what if you aliased out the column as 'XML'? I'm not super confident it'll make a difference, but perhaps it might.

  • Howabout this? Removed subquery and aliased everything.

    ${SQL: SELECT m.FullName + ' (' + s.StatusName + ')' + ', ' AS Output1 FROM ContainerMemberSnapshots AS m INNER JOIN StatusInfo AS s ON m.Status = s.StatusId WHERE m.Status != 0 AND m.Status != 1 AND m.Status != 9 AND m.Status != 27 AND m.ContainerID = ${N=SwisEntity;M=ContainerID} FOR XML PATH('')}

  • Sorry for taking some time. Below query is now testes and works fine for me. The alert trigger object should be "Groups" for the group-id variable included in the query to be correct.

    Use below in a html formatted email and you will get each item on a separate row. 

    ${SQL: SELECT REPLACE(Replace((SELECT(SELECT M.FullName + ' (' + S.StatusName + ')' +'</BR> ' FROM ContainerMemberSnapshots AS M INNER JOIN StatusInfo AS S on M.[Status]=S.StatusId WHERE status != 0 AND status != 1 AND status != 9 AND status != 27 AND ContainerID = ${N=SwisEntity;M=ContainerID} FOR XML PATH('') ) AS N	), '<', '<'), '>', '>') AS [Result]}

  • Hi there I tried the code in my Alert email notification and its doesn't list the data terrifically, its shows the "<br>"  the html line brake logic, but still list everything on one continuous line.   

  • here an examples

    ABZYMCCM01 (Critical) </br> XYZAsccm20 (Warning) </br>


  • Did you send the alert email as "html" and not "plain text"?

  • , sounds like the recipient is unable to receive HTML formatted emails or something is stripping it out. I would check to see if the recipient can receive HTML formatted emails, and then see if there's something in between that is stripping out the HTML properties because of exceeding X number of hyperlinks, etc. 

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