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SQL Sentry Web Portal health report time range

It appears that in version 2022.2.0 (I upgraded from a 2021 version to the latest release last week), this has been changed to a maximum of 24 hours, with the available time ranges now matching the Start Page of the desktop client. And while consistency is good, I was hoping for it to go the other way - let me see multiple days on the desktop Start Page.

Not being able to select more than 24 hours in either interface makes it difficult to review health and events at a glance after a weekend or even mid-week holiday.

The note "68793: Portal: EHO: Add time range selector" in the release notes is not descriptive enough here. Adding a time range selector is great but changing the behavior entirely without telling people is disruptive.

Please offer more options for this time range or allow the user to select their own. And whatever ranges are made available, maintain parity between the desktop & web clients.