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Filter Editor issues

If I use filter editor for server1 on TopSQL tab then I want to look server2's topsql tab same filter selected and shows nothing because that parameter make sense for server1. First I have to clean filters and edit if I want to use.

Filter editor should not use same filters selected for every server. It can only show an option like most recent used filters before. If user want to select then yes select or edit filter and use. Filter editor also should have edit option for recently used filters.

  • I would love the ability to safe filters.  We split our monitoring with another DBA and he prefers that we not clear events on his servers so he can look at them but on a bunch of other servers he doesn't even have access to them so every time I end up editing the filter to not display his set of servers so if I could save the filter and maybe also set it as a default filter that would save me a bit of time.