How can I allow requesters to view Change Requests they are assigned to, in the Service Portal?

I know they can see Service Catalog items and their open Incidents, but they don't appear to be able to see any open Change Requests they are the Requester for, from the customer portal.

It looks like they can access the request using a hyperlink to the Change Request if they have permissions to View Changes, but I don't see how they could access this without being sent the link.

Thanks in advance!

  • Hi Joe,

    Does your Requester role have permissions specified to create, read, and update Changes where they are the Requester? Do you have the setting activated under Service Desk Settings to allow requesting Change Catalog Items from the portal and to have Change Categories? That setting is just above the Virtual Agent section.

  • Hi , if they can access using the link then it's likely not a permissions issue. Changes are mixed in with Incidents in the Requester view. If the user is a requester, they may just be having trouble picking the changes out from incidents.

    The main issue is that Incidents and Changes in the portal are sorted by the Incident/Change number, and not the creation time. So, if your Change numbers are low (104) and your Incident numbers are high (10,004), the change will be way at the bottom of their list.