SWSD May 21st Release Highlights: Better user feedback, task efficiency, and Linux discovery

On May 21 we released enhancements to SolarWinds® Service Desk (SWSD). For a complete list of changes, please visit the SolarWinds Service Desk release notes.

Collect the needed feedback to improve your service offerings. Starting today, we are expanding feedback capabilities beyond a thumbs up or thumbs down. We are happy to announce the release of custom satisfaction surveys. These new surveys allow you to ask the right questions to collect feedback that drives your service desk forward. Using our dynamic form rules, custom forms, and field logic, you will be able to tailor the survey to the audience at hand. You want certain feedback when an incident is closed in your networking category? No problem! You only want certain feedback from a group of users but not other? Now you can do that too. See Surveys for more information.


Helping agents stay on top of tasks with greater efficiency. We’ve made it easier for agents to distinguish between similar tasks in the task view of SolarWinds Service Desk. Gone are the days of guessing which task in your long list of tasks is for which incident. You can append custom field inputs to the title of each task, making it easier to find and open the task you’re looking for. Need to provision a new computer for a new hire? Now you can have a task title to match (Provision new computer – {{New Hire Name}}).  Append custom fields to task titles


Better management of your Linux assets. Many customers use Linux machines in their environments, alongside Windows and Mac devices. We’re excited to announce the addition of a Linux Discovery Agent to collect more robust information on each of these assets, bringing that data into your . Doing this will help you get a better picture of your asset landscape and allow you to bring in assets a scanner cannot reach. See Discovery Agent installation for Linux.



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