Account Profile Redesign, Chat Notifications & Opening Tabs Customization

As part of our ongoing efforts to continuously enhance agents’ user experience and improve productivity, we have updated the agent’s Account Profile with more customization capabilities. To accommodate these updates, as well as future enhancements, we are also introducing a new layout for this entire section.

To check out the new design, simply go to “My Account”:


Figure 1: Account menu


Figure 2: My Account/Profile tab 


Figure 3: My Account/Settings tab 


  1. Default opening tabs
    Agents can now choose default tabs which they would want to see open when loading one of the following Service Desk modules:
  • Incident
  • Service Request
  • Problem
  • Change
  • Release
  • Solution
  • Catalog Item

Whether you are processing an incident or a service request, reviewing a problem or adding a new solution - you will be presented with the tab that is most relevant and useful to you. 

Configuring default opening tabs
To customize your default tab in each module, simply go to the “My Account” page by clicking your profile picture at the top left-hand side of the screen.

Click the “Settings” tab and scroll down until you reach the “Default Opening Tabs” section:


Figure 4: Default opening tabs configuration 

Then, simply choose the default tab you would like to see every time you load one of the modules.

  1. 2. Desktop chat notifications
    Agents are now able to get desktop chat notifications whenever there is a new message in an active chat, or when a new chat is added to the queue. This new feature allows you to be in another tab, away from the SWSD tab, and have this notification bring you back to it when needed. 

Enabling chat notifications
Go to My Account/Settings tab and scroll down to the chat notifications area at the bottom.


Figure 5: Chat notifications are disabled by default

To enable notifications, toggle the relevant notification(s) you wish to get - and don’t forget to allow your browser to show them.


Figure 6: Allowing browser notifications

As we continue to improve the SolarWinds Service Desk, we appreciate your feedback. Let us know what you think about these enhancements and which additional customization capabilities you would like to see added. 

Thwack - Symbolize TM, R, and C