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EIGRP support

Support EIGRP for routing neighbors/changes.

  • I've been able to get what I need done with EIGRP. Wondering specifically what this post is asking for? I monitor my 'hubs' for when an EIGRP neighbor failed on them at remote sites. We use IWAN technologies so all our RBOs have redundant/multiple ISP connections with EIGRP neighbors. The branch doesn't have an outage and we have a ticket in our queue letting us know which site when down. The only thing I had to do custom was SQL to get the router that the EIGRP neighbor was down at. Here it is:

    EIGRP neighbor ${N=SwisEntity;M=NeighborIP} (${N=SWQL;M=SELECT NIP.Node.Caption FROM Orion.NodeIPAddresses NIP WHERE (IPAddress = '${N=SwisEntity;M=NeighborIP}')}) gone down.

  • What's the trigger condition you utilize for this?  Wondering if it would also work for other routing protocols ... specifically ISIS which is what we use (yea people actually do use it heh).

    Opened up a ticket with SW to see if they could show me how to do this, but they weren't able to and said will need to be a feature request.  Since ISIS is barely used I doubt that will ever get done so looking to do it myself.

    Appreciate any additional information you could provide on this.

  • What's the trigger condition you utilize for this?  Wondering if it would also work for other routing protocols ... specifically ISIS which is what we use (yea people actually do use it heh).

    Opened up a ticket with SW to see if they could show me how to do this, but they weren't able to and said will need to be a feature request.  Since ISIS is barely used I doubt that will ever get done so looking to do it myself.

    Appreciate any additional information you could provide on this.

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