
Bulk export and import for IPAM

IPAM is a great tool. But it could be better. I'm seeing more feature requests about exporting and importing. So I know I'm not alone on this.

The main question is how can we all move ipam from one deployment to another by exporting and importing? You have one instance of solarwinds, you build a separate brand new instance. How do you move IPAM as is from one environment to the next so the new instance can take over? Answer is, currently you can't. It's by manual effort only. Now lets say you have over 600k ip's and growing. Separated into there groups of super nets and sub nets. That means you have to basically recreate all groups and their hierarchy in the new environment. For 600k+ ip addresses, this took 4 people a week to complete. When it could of been as easy as pressing export, then pressing import in the new system. Saves resources, you don't need to involve others, saves cost of Tylenol needed for the headache among the people involved, saves time when we could of invested that time into other more important tasks. And at the end makes upper management real happy.

Even if this can't be done, We would of excepted creating groups and importing the rest of the information too these groups.

My idea is basically an enhancement and over haul of the current export import feature in IPAM to bring over the information we need. Including supernets and subnets, and hierarchy.

IPAM while powerful, currently isn't really user friendly and in our opinion lacks maturity. The software has potential to beat the rest of the competition out there. And I'm hoping through the many feature requests I see for export and import. Dev's and product managers for IPAM can consider this.

  • I've edited this feature request a bit to hopefully provided a clearer message and added tags to be easier to find. I've been seeing feature requests for export and import so I know it's a hot item I'm hoping to have considered.

  • From our experience the Export and import feature is limited. You can't export hierarchy. The only thing you can export is subnets and information within the subnet. I would say you should give that a try and see if it gives you the information you need. You should see the export in the ip management page. This feature request is in hopes to fortify the export and import feature within ipam to make it better.

  • We have recently started using IPAM and would like to export the list of all IP addresses on the network and their device names. Could you advise if this is possible?