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scan of subnet - no associated mac address information

Rescanned a couple times - no mac addresses showing in ip Address Manager.

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  • If System Description is present, you'll find MAC address present also. Not having these fields populated is an indicator that devices are not responding to the IPAM host with both PING and SNMP.

    "IPAM Settings" > "Manage SNMP Credentials" contains a list of SNMP community strings we use. Are your devices responding to the IPAM host with these protocols / community strings?

  • I modified the subnets.aspx to 256.  Still shows 100.  Rebooted pc.  Still 100 and 3 pages.  Also how do I modify the display for various columns.  Say I want to display system description as a column.

  • I will let Peter respond on the first item, but on the second you can drag-n-drop around the columns for the order you wish them to display and if you want to add/remove to the view additional columns if you hover your cursor over any of the header you should get an arrow which you can click and receive a drop down.  In the drop down select Columns and you will get a check list in which you can select which columns to show in the view.

    Let me know if that works.

  • I modified the subnets.aspx to 256.  Still shows 100.  Rebooted pc.  Still 100 and 3 pages.  Also how do I modify the display for various columns.  Say I want to display system description as a column.

    Hi kvanland, let's take this offline and sort out the pagination. I'll send off an email shortly.

  • This morning kvanland and I troubleshooted my instructions above regarding page size. There are two pageSize="100" entries. Change them both to get the desired effect!

    Note: I'm going to go back end edit my instructions above.

    Also, we've determined that the MAC addresses are not populated due to either ICMP or SNMP being unavailable to the host Orion box. I've included a feature request on his behalf to employ existing Engineer Toolset capabilities to bypass the need for icmp & snmp on all hosts in the subnet.

    The workaround for now is to enable both icmp & snmp on the devices we want to automatically update via scanning. For the rest, include manually changing the status of IP addresses as part of their roll-out / deployment protocol.