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Announcing Enterprise Operations Console 2.1 Beta!

The Enterprise Operations Console 2.1 Beta is available and accessible through the EOC Beta forum!

In order to participate in this beta please follow the enrollment instructions here to verify your maintenance and be granted access.  Contribute detailed feedback to earn 3000 Thwack points.

  • Thank you for the feedback!  Have you taken a look at the 2.1 Beta? 

    In 2.0 There are a number of widgets that were incorporated due to integration of standard Core which can be confusing.  We are ensuring that is addressed.  Using a Custom Chart resource or Custom Table resource is not much different than it would be today anywhere else in Orion.  What type of widget were you trying to create, or needing to see?  Was it simply having to create the resource yourself? 

    I am interested in what you are needing in EOC?  What would make it more functional, or are the most critical components to EOC for you?

  • Thank you for the feedback!  Have you taken a look at the 2.1 Beta? 

    In 2.0 There are a number of widgets that were incorporated due to integration of standard Core which can be confusing.  We are ensuring that is addressed.  Using a Custom Chart resource or Custom Table resource is not much different than it would be today anywhere else in Orion.  What type of widget were you trying to create, or needing to see?  Was it simply having to create the resource yourself? 

    I am interested in what you are needing in EOC?  What would make it more functional, or are the most critical components to EOC for you?

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