What We're Working On

In DPA 2021.3, several pages such as Resources and Query Performance Analyzer pages have been updated to take full advantage of the browser width. Other pages are planned to be updated in the future.

Improve support for higher-resolution monitors

I would like to have DPA use more screen width when it is available. I have a 1920 x 1080 display, but have to do a lot of horizontal scrolling (for example, in the Blockers tab).

  • Also agree, STRONGLY.

    When we change the chart config to see, say top-40 SQL, rather then the default, we have to keep scrolling right once we've named a query.  That should be completely unnecessary - the pane should be as wide as the entire chart plus all named queries in all columns.  You'll probably need to offer a "Wrap Named SQL at 32 characters" (or whatever number), otherwise long-winded query names will look a bit daft (IMO) especially if there are more than 15 to show...

  • I agree with this. I had opened a similar vote and was pointed towards this one.