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FEATURE REQUEST - DameWare Remote Agent - Logon declined if no User to answer the request | Case #621473

Since we update to Remote Agent v11 its not possible to connect to a machine which no user is in front to accept request.

Thats very bad because we MUST have to use the option "permission required"

in DameWare v10 it works fine !!!

I open a case under the # #621473

Please update this !

Its very urgent !!

thx !!!! :-)

  • Hy,

    I open a case under the #647544

    We use DameWare since 10 years and our process uses this option.

    We have more than 1K licences for DRS/DMRC, and this functionalitie permit to prevent remote user when is present, and take the control as admin for maintenance when nobody is connected.

    I'm agree with breaks_r_mine, it's urgent.
