The Evolution of the Network Operations Center: Session Two
It's said that a glance at your network operations center displays is a way to get the most comprehensive view of your infrastructure but does that change when you no longer "own" the infrastructure. In an age of cloud-first deployment strategies, the foothold that traditional IT gear held for so long is slipping away. Nowadays, organizations are leveraging public cloud providers to reduce workload and costs inherent with traditional on-prem infrastructure models. This begs the question: Is a NOC important given that I don't own any of my infrastructure? This question, and many others, will be discussed as Kevin and Howard candidly discuss the evolution of the modern data center and how the NOC is even more important today than it was in years past.
After this session, you’ll be able to:
- How to effectively compare the feature functionality of moving your infrastructure monitoring to the cloud.
- The conversations you should have with your leaders about maintaining the highest level of satisfaction with your tools.
- Approaching the application and system owners to gain cheerleaders and reduce naysayers.
- The standing meetings that the SolarWinds IT organization uses to address the needs of the consumers of this data.
Whether your organization has just implemented a cloud-first methodology or you've been in the cloud since inception, there's a part of this conversation that'll help inform your future decisions. Today's data center doesn't look like the data center of yesteryear, and the one for next year will be different still, but the tactics we use to keep our end users satisfied and ourselves informed will be the same.