Orion Platform Automation Made Easy: Session Two

Using the Orion® API for Fun and Profit

Continuing the discussion from the previous THWACK Livecast about letting the Orion® Platform products automate your work, we’ll be stepping away from the web console and start digging into the SolarWinds Orion Application Programming Interface (API). The power of the Orion API is in its flexibility. If you want to unmanage or mute devices to coincide with your change management windows, or do bulk actions on devices, or even add devices to monitoring from nothing more than an IP address, it can be done with the API. Fear not: the presenters will go through step-by-step with some examples and answer questions live. After this session, you’ll be able to:
  • Have a basic understanding of the API and how it works
  • Know how to create, read, update, and delete elements
  • Use the SWQL Studio tool to retrieve data
  • Configure your desktop for scripting
  • Work from community examples of automation
  • Begin the discussions for integrating with automation engines

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