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ASA Netsight: Object list from object/Host statements and also the service groups

It would be great to be able to see the objects defined in the ASA along with the object groups....

It could be an additional tab with a list of objects and thier IP's and the 2nd column being the object groups and services...


object network as21-edb-sealed-test1

host XXX.YYY.169.2

description as21-edb-sealed-test serves 1 of 5

object-group network as21-edb-sealed-test

description test servers group of 5 servers

network-object object as21-edb-sealed-test1

network-object object as21-edb-sealed-test2

network-object object as21-edb-sealed-test3

network-object object as21-edb-sealed-test4

network-object object as21-edb-sealed-test5