Open for Voting

SRM Better Integration with Orion

Pretty much borrowing from my post HERE; SRM just doesn't feel like an integrated piece of Orion like other components such as NPM, SAM, NCM, etc.  Aside from utilizing the same WebUI, everything feels completely separate.  A few of the things I have noticed thus far are as follows:

  • The performance graphs don't have an export button so you can see different date/time ranges for performance data
  • When storage systems are added into SRM they are not added into Orion for the collection of other basic metrics such as memory, CPU, latency, etc.
  • I can't use the Orion node search function to find nodes in SRM, I have to go look for them with a different search.
  • When I go to the Manage Storage Objects view I can't add new columns for the different properties and custom properties like I can in the Managed Nodes section of Orion
  • There doesn't seem to be a good way to search storage devices by IP, CIFS Share, Array, etc.

I think SRM should be treated more like NCM, have a standard node page for the Storage node but have a separate tab for the SRM specific stuff.

I would love to see SolarWinds make this feel like a more integrated component of Orion by addressing some of these issues.

  • Just to add on to this as I keep finding places where this could be better integrated:

    Make it so that the Search by IP in Orion is more comprehensive by making it also search for IP's associated with objects in SRM.  I use the Search by IP to find where IP's exist in my environment and the fact that it can't see IP's associated with storage objects is leaving me partially blind.