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Email Receiver Service in NPM - Ability to receive email and parse the header/body of the message, similar to Syslog

We use NPM as our main console, single source of information for our NOC. In order for this to function we need to be able to receive alerts from all of the other tools the organization owns.

I would like to see an service within NPM that can receive an email then parse out the sender, header, and body of the message and then generate an alert from any of the three items. I don't care about attachments, only text.

It could be very similar to the existing Syslog alerts.


1. Many external devices that I try to integrate into Solarwinds for alerting only support email. For example a UPS, or a security camera

2. On a busy WAN Email(TCP) is more reliable than syslog/snmp (UDP). I have had some cases where my alerts were getting lost in the past

3. Most importantly, Email can make it through the firewall. If I am using a external monitoring solution (Solarwinds owns a lot of these) I can receive alerts that originated from the internet without needing to make a bunch of special

    firewall rules.

I currently do this, but on a separate machine that reads the email then syslogs the alert over to NPM. So every alert needs to be created twice emoticons_sad.png once on my Linux machine and then again as a Syslog rule in NPM.