Open for Voting

More Granular Options for Unmanaging Devices

Love the idea of the unmanage feature, but feel there is a need for a less severe option, or more granularity to it.  Unmanage itself is fine when you don't want any info on a device for a period of time, but we have times when we just don't want to be alerted on a node due to scheduled maintenance, but we still want to collect stats from it.  Removing it from all alerting is to awkward.  If there were tick-box options at the unmanage window, such as the below, that you could pick and choose as required, that would be an improvement,

  • Suspend All Management for this Node (All Polling and Statistics collection of the items will be suspended)
  • Suspend Alerting for this Node
  • Suspend Events for this Node
  • Suspend Application monitoring for this Node