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View Asset History from within a Ticket

Would like the option (like the vertical Requests tab on tickets) to show when viewing the Asset Info on a ticket which would show the history of tickets on the asset.

Many times a tech is working on an issue with an asset, and it would be helpful to know what the past issues on the asset have been. Having a side window slide out showing all past ticket information on an asset would be useful.

  • I second the idea that it should be MUCH easier to view an assets "Ticket History" from a ticket when the asset is attached to the ticket.  Right now, counter intuitively you have to click the "Pencil" button to the right of the asset (implies you are EDITING not just viewing the asset), and then on smaller screen must click tabs at the top until the "Ticket History" tab appears (you can't just scroll).

    After you get to the tab, then you can't read but a short description of the problem in the "Problem Report" column which may or may not yield useful detail and you're left without a link to open the tickets if you wanted to and view their detail (the Ticket No field takes you nowhere).  The current design is cumbersome and just doesn't represent efficiency or quality.  Implementing this idea would be a great improvement to the "Asset Info" feature on tickets!

  • As an alternative, they can click into the asset and get the asset's ticket history from that screen.