Open for Voting

Aggregated Charts to show Thresholds

Good Day to you all,

I would like to add a feature request for graphs, at the moment the graphs do an awesome job on showing Peak, Avg, and Min all nicely aggregated together in one graph, it would be beneficial to be able to see the Threshold in these Graphs as well (currently i check the thresholds and put the lines in manually like below). This would make providing reports on threshold breaches easy, and would determine if a threshold needs to be increased or decreased. This would help me out and i hope it would help everyone else out at the same time.


-     Currently                                                                                                                         -      Feature Request

pastedImage_17.png              pastedImage_16.png



  • The average CPU chart is the only chart that appears to have this functionality and does seem to respect overridden CPU thresholds.  Should be for everything else too!

  • Different objects (memory on nodes, cpu on nodes, interface utilisation, etc) can have different thresholds configured/overriden. In this case if we were to pull thresholds from objects themselves it would not necessarily work nicely here. I do however agree that having thresholds on the charts, independent of any other objects - would be awesome addition. This needs to be feature in chart settings and should be linked to a particular chart, not to objects displayed on chart. This way we can manage it much better. I believe it should be as easy as having two extra settings: Warning Level xxx; Critical Level zzz - then, report will show this as two lines, exactly as on screenshot proposed above

    +1 from me

