
Closed due to inactivity. Received 4 votes with last vote on 10 Dec 2019.

Ability to create Chronic alerts based on frequency

I would like to generate alerts based on how many times an alert happened within a given period of time.  For example, I would really like to be able to get an alert when there is a chronic issue with our T1 circuits or routers.  If a node has gone down three times within a month, I would like a special alert indicating this type of event (Chronic).  There has been many that issues like these have fallen through the cracks because so many people handle our tickets.   In this many a network engineer can be alerted if there is indeed an issue with Node Down, Bandwidth, Memory/CPU spike.   It is one thing to treat an event separately but we must be aware if it is going on all the time without having to dig through the data of each node.