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Add cbQoS fields to Reports

I would like to be able to create reports from cbQoS data.  For example, max pre-policy bandwidth for my voice or video queues for the last week/month etc... number of drops or max drop rate per queue - that sort of thing.. Unless I'm blind, I have never been able to find cbQoS fields in the report tool, yet practically everything else is in there.

Being able to determine the queue usage across the board and which queues are dropping (though I have alerts for when the voice and video queues drop traffic so that is OK) and therefore may need increasing is one of the most important things to report on when it comes to tracking QoS - especially when deploying new voice, video apps such as Lync which can dramatically alter the traffic flow and volume over the WAN.. Agreed, you can get this information from the device's charts, but it not really practical to do this for a hundred+ routers, which is why cbQoS fields would be really useful to see in Reports.

Thanks for listening!
