
Closed due to inactivity. Received 15 votes with last vote on 17 Oct 2019.

Admin clear Alerts / Traps / Syslog / Events

Hope I haven't missed an obvious box within the main modules, but this is really needed when multiple people are able to impact your environment.

It would be great to be able to have an admin user to be able to purge out entries in the Database without having to rely on the DBA to do it for you [due to access restrictions between departments etc]

If policy requires you to be storing them per the 30day defaults or even only 5days, a config mishap on a device being managed (or even rouges on the network) could blow your hard work into large reporting gaps emoticons_angry.png

Select the entry/entries causing pain and run the search query (after you've mitigated further risk by setting up a block and drop rule so they no longer appear in the Db of course) and blast them out from clogging up your precious, hard to acquire Db storage.