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Tech Assignee as a Required Field before Resolve or Closed

There is no way to make the Assigned Tech field a required field. An alternate way to achieving the same end result would be to set Auto Assignment to "A level Tech" at Setup > Techs > tech Groups > [select Group] > Tech Group Levels > [Select Level] >

Auto-Assign Tickets To
Controls the Auto-Assignment function for the selected Tech Group Level.

If "None" is selected, no Tech is assigned to the Ticket, but the Ticket still belongs to the Tech Group Level.

A Level Tech
If "A Level Tech" is selected, the Web Help Desk will use Load Balancing to determine the Level Tech with the lightest load and assign the Ticket to him/her.

Unfortunately, this is not effective in my agency's environment. We need to force a technician to assign the ticket to themselves when resolving or closing a ticket.