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Encrypted password information in script

     We have a problem about username and password information in the scripts. We need to use username and password information in script. Does SAM have a tool to encrypt a text ? I can encrypt password with a thirdparty tool but I am not sure that SAM can process it. What is the recommended solution for my case ?

Encrypted Password.jpg

Windows Perl Script method is working like remote. We will execute the script/commands on Orion server and It will run the script on remote server. So we use the credential library user for the first step (Orion server) then we must set the new username and password for remote server in script. It is working fine but it is not secure because all of them are clear text.

  • I'm assuming the credentials in the script are different than the credentials used to actually execute the script (inherited from node, etc).

    It would be great if you could enter credentials into Orion (in a secure manner, like the credential manager), and then pass them as an argument to the script like ${UName} ${Pword}. These credentials wouldn't have to be the same as those executing the script.

    I'd find this extremely handy, because like you said, it's not secure at all having your passwords in clear text.