Open for Voting

Show logged in users

I think it would be great if there was a button in SAM that when clicked would show me all of the users logged into a system.  Something similar to the active processes browser but in this case active users instead of processes.

  • There is  a report that you can build in this thread

    You can also begin your own from here:


    --Shows last login for all users

    SELECT TOP 1000 AccountID, Enabled, AllowNodeManagement, AllowMapManagement, AllowAdmin, CanClearEvents, AllowReportManagement, AllowAlertManagement, AllowCustomize, AllowUnmanage, AllowDisableAction, AllowDisableAlert, AllowDisableAllActions, AlertSound, MenuName, HomePageViewID, DefaultNetObjectID, DisableSessionTimeout, ReportFolder, AlertCategory, Expires, LastLogin, LimitationID1, LimitationID2, LimitationID3, AccountSID, AccountType, AllowViewCopCheck, DisplayName, Description, InstanceType, Uri, InstanceSiteId

    FROM Orion.Accounts

    WHERE Enabled LIKE 'Y'

    Order by LastLogin DESC

  • This would be great!!! The total connections provided by IIS doesn't truly reflect the users on the site. How many users does your environment have? 

  • I looked this up about 3 months ago. This is the template that was referenced...

    I also made a step by step screenshot doc on creating the resource for it, if you are interested. Please let me know if I can help.

    Again, I do agree with the recommendation for a button. But in the meantime, this should help you with an immediate requirement.

  • I agree that there should be a button. There are docs in thwack forums that show how to display this. I will find it and post it.

  • I feel like this could very easily be done with an agent. Super useful info for asset tracking.