
Closed due to inactivity. Received 16 votes with last vote on 20 Jul 2019.

auto update of custom properties


One of the feature that I would like to see is dynamic grouping of nodes. - the 'dynamic rule' of the group has two major flaws:

1. it allows only AND condition between the rules.

2. it affects only group and there is no way to select group content from network atlas.

what I am suggesting is some tool that allows modifying custom  attributes based on collection Criteria , for example:

If ip address in range xxxx

or caption start with STL

update =''Sain Louis'


If machine node.caption contains 'INET'

update node.Role =' Internet device'

I know that it can be done thru external DB script, but I would like to see it build in

Also is it safe to do it thru external script?

