
Closed due to inactivity. Received 45 votes with last vote on 29 Oct 2019.

Relative column width


We beleive that NPM and SAM should give us the possibility to set relative columns width instead of fixed colums width only.

For example, We should be able to set column with like this:

  • Column 1 width: 30%
  • Column 2 width: 40%
  • Column 3 width: 30%

Instead of:

  • Column 1 width: 400
  • Column 2 width: 500
  • Column 3 width: 400

We have many users that use different screen resolutions. Some have cheap monitors with 1024/768 res, others have Full HD TVs. NPM and SAM views should adapt to these resolutions so users won't have to scroll left or right, while others with largers TVs will have their view fit perfectly . Modern browsers are able to do that, why a modern network monitoring console is not able to do the same?

Thanks for your votes!