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Automatically add device to NCM Job for specific area

Would like to see where when you add a device to NPM you can select the ncm job from a dropdown option to select which ncm job the node belongs to. Otherwise you need to manually add each device to the relevant job. When to many Network Engineers have access to NMS and they add the devices and you have to keep track with reports of devices added vs configs not collected for nodes  not being added to jobs to collect configs.

  • I have a very-successful work around for you to accomplish what you need and save you and your team the hassle of manually adding new nodes to existing jobs.  

    Open up one of the NCM Jobs you would like automatically applied to new nodes.

    On the second step called "Choose Nodes", select the Dynamic Selection option.

    Below it will open up a set of logic filters for your to choose from and apply.  Select the logic that covers all of your nodes and click Next on the following screens until you get to Apply.  Click it and you're done.  

    Now all your nodes are going to be part of this Job as soon as they're added to NPM.

    An example of logic I've deployed that adds all new and existing switches, routers, and firewalls to the Daily Startup Config Backup Job:

    1. Select the Dynamic Selection button.

    2. I chose "Vendor" "is" "Cisco"

    3. Click "Add Condition"

    4. "and" "System Name" "is not" then enter in any part of any nodes' name that you don't want backed up.  I have one or two individual device types that don't have Startup Configs, so I don't want NCM wasting time trying to download their startup configs and then e-mailing me it failed to do so.

    5. click "add condition"

    6. "or" "Vendor" "is" "*Juniper*"

    Save the changes and suddenly every new Cisco or Juniper device gets added to my Daily Startup Config Backup Job.

    Duplicate this for other Jobs you may be running (e.g.: Running-config backups, config change reports, write memory jobs, inventory discoveries, config database exports, etc.) and you'll never have to manually add a Node to NCM's jobs again.

    If you one day add a new kind of device, just edit the logic of the dynamic filter to include it.

    Swift packets!

    Rick Schroeder