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NTA data in UDT

Here's a simple break down:

  1. From NTA you can drill in to get UDT information.
  2. From NPM you can drill in to get NTA and UDT information.
  3. From UDT you can get some NPM interface information but no NTA information.


Supply pertinent NTA data along with NPM interface data when viewing Device Tracker Endpoint Details and/or Device Tracker user Details.  All the information is already in the database, this is just another way to view the information.  Plus UDT is simpler and cleaner for none-technical people.  None-technical people stay away from NTA because it's too much information for them, and NPM is better but there's a lot of clicking around to get the information. In UDT, the search is quicker, cleaner and simpler but doesn't supply that much info.

To add more bang for the buck:

Add UDT and NTA to PerfStack to show who was logged in on a certain PC at a given time, what type of traffic was traversing the network from the node and what, if any, affect did it have on network bandwidth and/or server applications.