Open for Voting

Manage NCM Jobs via EOC

I'd like to see NCM being integrated into the EOC.

- Running centralizes Jobs over multiple sites

- Running centralizes Compliance Reports over multiple sites

- Running Config Snippets over multiple sites

- Running Firmware-Update Jobs over multiple sites

- Manage Firmware Vulnerabilities over multiple sites

- ...

  • Hmmm.  I had EOC for a few years, I don't recall having problems running NCM jobs across multiple pollers.  Maybe I'm mis-remembering?  Or maybe the current version of EOC operates differently than the one available ten years ago.   That might be it.

    For fun, can you share some screen shots of what you're trying to accomplish in NCM via EOC, that illustrates tasks that just can't be done the way you want, or that are failing?

    I recall simply avoiding EOC and running NPM/NCM directly to get jobs running when & where I wanted.