Producing the Statistic out of a SQL Server User experience monitor

How would one produce the statistic for this?

Select Round (
((SELECT [StatisticData] as Statistic
FROM [SolarWindsOrion].[dbo].[APM_AlertsAndReportsData]
where NodeName LIKE '%jsmhpxweb02a%' and ApplicationName LIKE '%CMD Glassfish%' and ComponentName LIKE '%Memory Heap Used%') /

(SELECT [StatisticData] as Statistic
FROM [SolarWindsOrion].[dbo].[APM_AlertsAndReportsData]
where NodeName LIKE '%jsmhpxweb02a%' and ApplicationName LIKE '%CMD Glassfish%' and ComponentName LIKE '%Memory Heap Max%'))*100, 2) as perc;

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