Amend Test of information message / error message when adding a node to SAM

Hello folks, 

Earlier I was adding a node to SolarWinds SAM and I did not want to use a license and only require to know if it up or down, I therefore selected ICMP. As I was on auto-pilot I filled the fields in and when I got to the application monitors screen, which personally I think should be removed for SNMP only, it displayed the message below. As I said I was on auto-pilot and have been lacking a proper nights sleep for the last 3 months so started off on an 'I am a **** SAM administrator...'. So the process of  checking my account began, and low and behold I truly am said admin, 'I knew it!'  so I pinged a message to the actual platform owners team saying 'What's going on?'  to which they replied 'Oh, we don't know'. Time for a brew, that always clears the pathways. Shortly after my double espresso I realised it was SNMP only and the next button was available at the bottom of the page 'DOH!' 

So my suggestion is to use appropriate text in these messages and it stops people wasting time troubleshooting stuff when they are half awake Jack o lantern and nobody wastes anytime reading this post, result everyone is happy.

So says the man from Utopia!


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