DevOps Challenges and Overcoming Blockers

Since adopting a DevOps approach at your organization can be a paradigm shift, there are going to be challenges.  Unless you are lucky enough to work for a start-up that gets to build IT processes from the ground up some things must change to shift the organization in such a drastic way.  I've frequently heard IT professionals say "It's hard to turn a battleship around" when describing major changes to the way IT operates.

Various personality types and corporate cultures can affect this, so I'm aware that everyone's journey is different.  Given all the baggage typically attached to IT projects and organizations as a whole, this brings up some very difficult questions as to how IT operates.  Which leads me to today's discussion question:

What are some of the challenges or pain points that you face or have faced in implementing DevOps at your organization and how did you overcome them?

  • Fear of change and being slow to adopt new technology is the biggest roadblock in my experience. At my organization, we have processes and procedures that have been in place for decades, and engineers/management that have been here almost as long. Change can be hard, especially in an IT environment where emphasis is placed on uptime and reliability... it's only natural to hesitate when "rocking the boat" and changing your entire workflow is brought up.

    We've just recently hopped on the Kubernetes train with a few of our web apps, and we just spun up a GitLab instance to house all of our custom code and scripts. We're lagging behind the industry, but we're getting there. DevOps is definitely the future, and it's exciting to be a part of the team that gets to usher in the new age of IT around here. It's taken many engineers and many proofs of concept to convince our leadership that containerization and DevOps practices are "safe" enough to push forward.

    The biggest advice I can offer anyone looking to "rock the boat" is simple: do your research, be prepared, and be ready to have those awkward conversations because they WILL happen.

  • Fear of change and being slow to adopt new technology is the biggest roadblock in my experience. At my organization, we have processes and procedures that have been in place for decades, and engineers/management that have been here almost as long. Change can be hard, especially in an IT environment where emphasis is placed on uptime and reliability... it's only natural to hesitate when "rocking the boat" and changing your entire workflow is brought up.

    We've just recently hopped on the Kubernetes train with a few of our web apps, and we just spun up a GitLab instance to house all of our custom code and scripts. We're lagging behind the industry, but we're getting there. DevOps is definitely the future, and it's exciting to be a part of the team that gets to usher in the new age of IT around here. It's taken many engineers and many proofs of concept to convince our leadership that containerization and DevOps practices are "safe" enough to push forward.

    The biggest advice I can offer anyone looking to "rock the boat" is simple: do your research, be prepared, and be ready to have those awkward conversations because they WILL happen.

  • we have processes and procedures that have been in place for decades,

    I think this should say "we have processes, procedures, and people that have been in place for decades." Smiley Or maybe that's just my own interpretation.

    As a long-(enough)-in-the-tooth IT guy, I'm totally happy with change when it comes to technology - frequently it's my favorite part of the gig: learning new tech.  But when there's such a paradigm shift (Yes, I also cringe when I use that phrasing) in the way Information Technology operates as a whole, I can be just as much a stick in the mud. If I'm not careful, I'll start to sound like the people I laughed at who got Novell NetWare certified.

    I feel like the closest we've come to something of this magnitude in recent memory was the rapid shift from Waterfall to Agile development.  But where the move to Agile was concentrated with the development teams themselves, the move to DevOps encompasses all of IT.

    I think you hit the nail on the head for one major thing: do the research and plan everything.  We all have that one team member who Heart documentation and research projects.  This is an opportunity for them to shine.