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How long should I be waiting between sitting an SCP and the badge?

For context, I sat SCP SAM Tuesday 11th Mid-Day. 

I completed this successfully with PASS (Go me). Since completing, I have also contacted but have not received any reply.

Can someone advise on this, or is there another contact that should be reached out to have the badge presented to me?

  • It generally takes about 3 business days for us to receive results from our vendor. We then manually enter them and send results emails. We had some team members out unexpectedly and are working to catch up. You should receive an email soon. Thank you for your patience.


    SCP Program Manager

  • It generally takes about 3 business days for us to receive results from our vendor. We then manually enter them and send results emails. We had some team members out unexpectedly and are working to catch up. You should receive an email soon. Thank you for your patience.


    SCP Program Manager

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