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High memory utilization in fortinet firewall

Hi All

I see high  memory utilization  on fortinet Firewall  due to incorrect OID is consider . I got the exact ID which shows correct utilization but not able to convert it in % . Can anyone help me .   I am polling this value but not able to convert in % through UNDP.

Looking for solution.


Sanjay gupta

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  • Thanks for posting these articles, . I noticed on the Create a UnDP article the navigation path is outdated, and I have flagged that to the InfoDev team and support for updates.

    Incidentally, check out the web console UI in that video! Wink That's an old one! We redesigned the UI in 2016, but with tools like UnDP, the usability, and function have not changed. This is common with articles related to backend apps. If you've been around the products long enough (like me LOL), you'll remember the tabbed web console. 

    For those that need clarification, to access the UnDP on the most current version, RDP to the server, Start - SolarWinds Platform - Universal Device Poller.

    We have been steadily removing "Orion" references from the software, and we haven't had the NPM sub folder in quite a while. Wink It's a constant battle to stay on top of the updates; our KB is quite large. 

    For the Poller Checker tool, yes, it has been removed. I verified that this morning as I couldn't find it, even in new upgrade locations. The idea is that the polling tools *should be modern enough not to need the Poller Checker. That's a bit of a discussion. Stay tuned.