Normally we purchase exam with price $200, and for partner we have discount 50%so the price become $100.
If we purchase the exam with thwack points, will we have discount from 60000 points to 30000 points for partner?
Normally we purchase exam with price $200, and for partner we have discount 50%so the price become $100.
If we purchase the exam with thwack points, will we have discount from 60000 points to 30000 points for partner?
I highly doubt it considering using thwack points is technically not paying the $200...
I know, but i just want to know are we can discount 50% if we ourchase using thwack points sinc we is partner?
I tend to agree. The only time I saw a discount was a couple of years ago, and it was explicitly stated as such.
Unfortunately, there is no partner discount offered for items in the THWACK store. This includes the exam voucher.
ChrystalT is correct We do not discount THWACK point purchases for exams.
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